
360dissertations understands how tough Masters level projects can be. The standard of a post graduate course is higher than a bachelor’s degree.

We spend years researching and reading on a topic and consequently we become a store house of information. When we sit to pen down those ideas on a piece of paper, it can be very challenging to shrink down that entire information into a stipulated word count that has been given to you. Struggling with accommodating relevant information in a limited word count is a challenge for the writers, particularly at the doctoral level where every research paper, assignment or even the thesis has a certain designated word count. Here are the ways to do it:

Use bullet points and write shorter sentences: this is the most simple and at the same time a useful strategy. Often writers who are habituated to writing complex sentences use a lot of connectors like ‘because’ and ‘and’. These connectors add up in the word count enormously. It is better to put a full stop and start another fresh sentence than to put a lot of connectors. In addition long sentences confuse and put off the reader as well, instead using bullet points is a great idea and an excellent alternative to a lot of detailed information.

Use acronyms abundantly: Though it is always a better choice to use acronyms in dissertation as much as possible because this helps to keep the word count in control but at the same time, one should follow a consistent pattern and define the acronyms when they are used first in the document and then freely used throughout the document. You must keep the journal or university guidelines in mind here, as they may have their specifications related to the use of acronyms.

Make good use if tables and figures: Almost everywhere, tables and figures are excluded from word count and so they are a great opportunity for writers to present whatever information possible in tables and figures, if they do justice to the content. Sometimes, instead of writing three long paragraphs, it is better to write one paragraph and explain the other two with the help of figures or tables.

Take professional help in editing: The writing process is not the same as the editing process. An expert editor is free from the writing tangles and other obligations associated with the task so is easily able to identify redundancy and repetition in content. Editors work like scissors and remove the unwanted material, as a part of the process itself.