
360dissertations understands how tough Masters level projects can be. The standard of a post graduate course is higher than a bachelor’s degree.

Dissertation Help Services

Writing your Masters dissertation can become a lonely quest when you do not get any help or guidance to rectify any minor or major error, when all your doubts remain unclarified, all questions unanswered. Students are not getting enough resources, timely feedback and suggestions for writing and formatting dissertation which perfectly demonstrate the knowledge and understanding within the research scope. As a result, either they are stuck with dissertation, or decide on giving up the Master's degree.

To avoid such drastic outcomes of not getting the help at the right moment,we offer comprehensive assistance for PhD and Master’s candidates for thesis or dissertation work. We, at 360 Dissertations, offer dissertation help services to set you free from all your dissertation troubles. With a team of 49 academic & 56 subject-matter writers, we assist you in documenting your Master's research in an apt academic style, and the precise format so that your dissertation goals are successfully achieved.

You must be wondering why you should choose us or what the expertise of our writers is?

  1. We maintain the clarity of expression, grammar, citations, and references.
  2. We clearly express your aims and objectives within the dissertation framework.
  3. We present, justify, and valid your theories, opinions, and arguments in a structured manner.
  4. The comprehensible and coherent language is kept consistent throughout the dissertation by us.

Why not explore the benefits we assure with our dissertation help services in Malaysia:

  1. 24x7 Support Availability
  2. Meeting tight schedules
  3. On-time work completion
  4. Organized chapters text by text, point by point
  5. Complete adherence to the prescribed format

If you have a clear understanding of the ideas, concepts, and theories, but writing in a proper academic language with coherence is tough for you, then you may collaborate with our writers to get a better output. Got more to learn about our dissertation services in Malaysia? Share your query with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Dissertation Proposal Help

Your dissertation proposal is an opportunity for you to present your idea and proposed actions for consideration in shared decision-making situation. It gives the dissertation committee a broad idea of your research such as what are the issues that you propose to explore, is your work needful or not, if it will contribute to the existing knowledge in the concerned discipline, how will you go with the research, its timeline, pitfalls, consequences and overall significance of your Masters research. All these are the crucial aspects which must be written and described in a coherent manner to get a pleasing approval by the dissertation committee and funding (if needed) from the University. For writing a compelling research proposal, complete knowledge, thought clearance regarding the proposed research and the expressive writing skills become the necessities.

At 360 Dissertations, we offer Dissertation Proposal Assistance in Malaysia to the Master's students all over. If you need assistance in writing a proposal or need expert guidance to formulate research question and rationale for your research, consider us for this job. Our research consultants and subject-matter writers are qualified, trained, and experienced in developing a research proposal for Masters Project.

Under our dissertation proposal assistance in Malaysia, our experts help you with:

  1. Developing research question & rationale for your research study.
  2. Writing proposal in a proper format with strict adherence to University's format.
  3. Development of instrumentation, design and conduct of pilot tests (if needed).
  4. Referencing and citing primary or secondary sources properly.

Since a research proposal must contain the statements about your purpose for undertaking the research study, we get a thorough understanding of your aims and research before begin working upon it. For sharing your aim and purpose without experts, drop a mail to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Contact us today to know more about our dissertation proposal help in Malaysia.

About Us

360 Dissertations is a multinational firm providing the research consultation and writing support to the masters and doctoral candidates for their dissertation and thesis development help. It is based in Malaysia founded in 2013 with an aim to help the students overcome their weak points such as poor writing skills or complications with research topic selection, and so on. Being well established in this business for almost five years, we have seen the students coming up with various problems with their research or thesis solutions of which they cannot find within the boundaries of university and library. They cannot move out of the enclosed sphere due to location and time constraints, therefore we have made our services accessible to each and every student across the globe.

  • Lead Research Consultant: Puneet Chadha
  • Service and support specialist: Farzen Azmi

We do not provide thesis, dissertation or research documents which can be submitted as it is while we support through consultation and editing services to help complete research and report on time. While the work we provide is guaranteed to be original, it is meant for reference use and must be used in compliance with our fair use policy.

For answering all your questions, we are 24x7 available, you can reach us by writing in at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our client service department runs on all business days of Malaysia from 9 AM to 6 PM.

Masters Dissertation Assistance

So what is your opinion upon the difficulty level of Masters Research? Steadily gliding out of the conservative sphere of graduation into the world of research academia makes students go anxious and hysteric. But it is entirely crucial especially if student embarks on doctoral research in future. Only after the successful completion Masters, one becomes entirely prepared for conducting doctoral research on an advanced level. But conducting Masters research and dissertation development remains unsuccessful without great efforts. Students often feel themselves trapped and in a great need of expert guidance working on Masters research and dissertation. Masters candidates are required to prepare research proposal, edit, proofread and format dissertation which may act as stumbling blocks for the students. Thus, they feel helpless as supervisor can only help him doing all this only to a certain extent which doesn't benefit the student much. This is where our expert academicians come into play. Our team will make you overcome each and every difficulty you might be facing in your masters. Our Masters dissertation assistance in Malaysia varies by the students' specialization area, however we always endeavour to help the students in the best manner possible. For this, we have set up the Masters support team for each of writing department, editing department, and department of statisticians. All our team members are PhD or Masters qualified and have minimum of 12 years of experience in working as professional writers , editors and statisticians. They have already been through the rigors of attaining a Master's degree and know what it takes to succeed. They are also in a position to suggest areas of research that students can focus on. This will help those who intend to do doctoral work. They can continue the research they are already working on and formulate an advanced hypothesis to help them succeed at a higher level. The Master's course whether it is the final qualification acquired by a student or it is a stepping stone to a PhD, can be cracked with our expert masters dissertation assistance in Malaysia.

Welcome to

360 Dissertations

At 360 Dissertations, get round the clock PhD thesis assistance and Master's dissertation help in Malaysia. From research proposal development to proofreading your thesis or dissertation for a final submission, we offer a broad range of services such as Thesis writing help in Malaysia, Dissertation help, PhD thesis assistance in Malaysia to assist you at every stage of academic research. Because we understand how much toil is a pre-requisite for a successfully well-developed dissertation, we strive to reduce a little less stress on the students by making our professional consulting services available within their reach. If you are unable to identify your interest area or choosing one research topic from two-three research topics is getting on your nerves, we have research consultants who are competent in guiding the students in right direction. Our PhD thesis help in Malaysia span from topic suggestions, writing services, editing, proofreading, questionnaire design, statistical data analysis (SPSS/STATA or Eviews) to implementation using Matlab/ns2/java and journal paper publication help.