No supervisor would every say that you can do without editing your work. Editing is an essential part of thesis writing and surely as important and difficult as writing it is. How much ever perfect you think your writing skills are, you would always find scope to remove errors upon editing and proofreading. Researchers have their own set of choice between self-editing and hiring a professional editor for doing the work. Both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are few to share:
One question that irks most PhD scholars is the time their PhD would take to complete and it is the question that at the same time remains as the most unavoidable question because a PhD programme never comes with a time tag attached to it, unlike various other courses that we do prior to it. The moment you have been in the programme for few semesters, the question starts hovering above your head. How much time would it take? When would you finish? And these never ending questions come from sources that are never ending. Starting from your family to your colleagues, people in the university, bank, gym and everywhere want the answer to this particular question and ironically you would not have the answer to this question, most of the times.
The process of education begins with reading and it is an important part of the journey from the beginning to the end. At the level of creating a doctoral thesis, there is an ever increasing number in the availability of manuscripts that are published year. Scholars have a lot of reading to do and less time for the same. Looking at the picture from a broader vision there can be two ways to deal with it. One is to have the skill to be able to select what you have to read and the second is to enhance your reading speed. Let us look at some basic tips that will help you to improve your reading speed and once you area able to do that, you have enough time to devote to other important aspects of research such as writing, mentoring, analysis or teaching.
There are some technical concepts that are related to reading that you must know if reading is an important part of your job or daily routine as only if you are aware of these technicalities can you work on your reading habits that may be stopping you from picking up your speed. Read them, understand them, adopt them and see the kind of difference it makes in your life.
Planning a research trip is a common component of the doctoral journey. Amongst all PhD, there is only a small proportion that can be written sitting at one place only on the basis of the material that is found online. Travel is important in research for reasons that can be many. It could be to consult archives, do fieldwork or do some collaboration or consultation with colleagues at other locations. You may have to travel more than one time, over the period of the tenure of your PhD or even take up an extended research trip that could last six months or even longer at time, if your PhD so demands.